Port Health Controls at Airports
Infectious Disease Controls
The International Health Regulations 2005 lay down a series of measures that prevent, protect against, control and respond to the international spread of disease. The 2005 Regulations come into force on the 15th June 2007 and will be implemented in the UK by new Public Health (Aircraft) Regulations.
Local Authorities controls risks from sick passengers and from pests such as insects and rodents that may be on board the vessel. .
Authorities are also responsible for monitoring pests and insects in and around the airport.
Food and Water Safety
Checks are carried out to ensure that the water used on board is safe to drink, sampling is carried out at filling points on the airport, from transporters and on the aircraft.
Food Safety Regulations apply on board aircraft and Authorities work with the airlines and in-flight catering companies to ensure that they have effective food safety management measures in place to ensure that the food is safe to eat.
Animal Health
Imports of live animals are regulated by Animal Health (Previously known as the SVS), imports must be made through a live animal Border Inspection Post. A list of BIPs for the importation of live animals can be found on the Defra Website.
Authorities also work with DEFRA, Animal Health and Trading Standards to ensuring that catering waste from aircraft is adequately controlled.
Imported Food Controls
Much of the food consumed in the UK is imported; the speed of air travel makes it a preferred means of transporting fresh produce. Read more about Imported Food Controls on this site.
Environmental Controls
Local Authorities also carry out noise and air quality monitoring around the airport to ensure that the disturbance to local residents is minimised and to protect their health.