Job Description:

Part-time Appointment, 15 hours per week,

£15,000 per annum, plus £5,000 expenses, with performance related pay.

This is a newly created position for someone to work alongside the administration team initially until Sep 2017 when it will be subject to review / extension. It is based on an annual salary of £15,000, plus expenses up to £5,000 pro rata plus a performance-related bonus to be negotiated and agreed with the Chairman to achieve the objectives set.

The post is on a contractual basis and it is anticipated that the role will involve the person working from home for 15 hours per week on average. The postholder will receive administrative support from the team at Manchester PHA and will undertake his/her duties in conjunction with the Acting Company Secretary.

Qualifications and Experience

Responsible to and reporting directly to the Chairman and Executive Board, the post holder will ideally have operational experience in a range of port health-associated functions including management and / or marketing experience and compiling / delivering reports to policy makers

Main Purpose of Job

  1.  To improve the Association’s business, including expanding membership of the Association.
  2. To make an effective contribution to the aims and objectives and annual business plan of the Association in accordance with the organisation’s Articles of Association  and Operating Arrangements (ie to become one of the main drivers of the objectives of the Business Plan, as well as reinforcing wherever possible the Articles and Operating Arrangements of the Association).
  3. To ensure that all duties and tasks assigned to the postholder are performed in accordance with specified time and quality targets.


Summary of main responsibilities and duties

  1. To formulate and co-ordinate APHA’s marketing and publicity strategy to include membership recruitment and re-engagement with lapsed Members.
  2. To contribute to and assist the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, in achieving the objectives of the Business Plan.
  3. To co-ordinate training programmes specified by the Operational Board, Under Secretaries and PLaN groups. (to ensure adequate training takes place, and targets the desired audience).
  4. Responsibility for streamlining means of communication to optimise attendance at Technical Committee meetings and PLaN groups.
  5. To ensure effective communication with all Members and outside bodies including Elected Members and Parliamentary Champions
  6. To co-ordinate APHA representation on outside bodies and to ensure that adequate feedback is provided and published.
  7. To work with the Admin Team and Webmaster to obtain revenue from advertising space and sale of APHA memorabilia.
  8. To report progress at each meeting of the Executive Board by means of a written report and attendance.

It should be noted that no Annual Conference will be held this year and that the format of future conferences is currently under consideration by the Executive Board.

The postholder will also be responsible for liaison with any potential Host Authority / Task Group regarding organising conference marketing and sponsorship; and to liaise with universities regarding the annual John Craigs Memorial Award.

All applications to the Chairman of APHA, Pat McCarthy, MBE,

Closing date: 27 May 2016